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285 results

Retail & Distribution

The Christmas shopping checklist to help prepare retailers for peak end-of-year sales and save Christmas

Customers who can no longer see and touch a product, as they did before, will have to rely on detailed descriptions instead.

Article 24 November 2020 3 min

Retail & Distribution

At Cegid, Unifying the Shopping Experience Across Touchpoints

Cegid shares insights on how unifying the luxury shopping experience can help create competitive advantage in luxury & fashion retail. Find out more!

Article 20 November 2020 6 min

Retail & Distribution

3 Questions for Laurent Thoumine, Head of Retail in Europe at Accenture

Accenture was built upon the technological development of retail. Today, our focus has expanded to include helping executives transform their businesses strategically, financially and operationally.

Article 10 November 2020 2 min

Retail & Distribution

Retailers’ Guide to Omnichannel Product Returns

81% of shoppers will switch to competitors after a bad product return experience. Find out how to offer a simple, frictionless product returns experience.

Article 6 November 2020 4 min

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Talent Management

Are You Ready to Improve The “Employee Experience”?

The elements that best attract and retain talent are intangible. They are team cohesion, development prospects, the company's role in society, and so on. This "employee experience", a guarantee of…

Article 2 November 2020 3 min

Talent Management

2021: How to Prepare Your Company for a Post-Corona World

The pandemic along with the shift toward telecommuting are prompting companies to rethink their processes. What are the objectives? Realign each level of the organization…

Article 2 November 2020 4 min

Talent Management

The Art of Recruiting From a Distance; Without Mistakes!

Do you sometimes recruit remotely? The confinement period has normalized this practice considerably. Knowing how to assess a person without having them in front of you becomes an essential skill…

Article 2 November 2020 2 min

Talent Management

The cost of failed recruitment

On average, one out of every two hires end up leaving companies before their 18-month employment mark. This means frequent failures, with significant consequences: 45,000…

Article 1 October 2020 2 min

Talent Management

The implementation phase: a waltz in four steps.

More than ever, organizations need simpler and more efficient processes for managing their human resources: harnessing the power of the Cloud for easier collaboration and…

Article 1 October 2020 2 min

Retail & Distribution

How Order management Systems Benefits Sales Associates to retail the new way

Shoppers demand a frictionless & stressless shopping experience. Learn how an order management system can help your business.

Article 1 October 2020 4 min

Talent Management

Power and simplicity: the new Plug & Play edition of Cegid Talent accelerates your projects

Because its three modules dedicated to recruitment, training and performance are pre-configured on the Cloud, Cegid Talent’s Plug & Play edition is the perfect solution…

Article 1 October 2020 2 min