Take the complexity out of your business with UX
At Cegid, user experience (UX) primarily consists of offering very useful solutions inspired by your uses and developed with you to ensure that they are intuitive and easy to use.
The user is at the heart of our product creation process
Come with us, behind the scenes, to see how our products are created. We integrate our users at several stages of the development cycle.
Identification of user needs
Our UI/UX teams integrate our users at different stages of the solution creation process. First, during the design stage of a new product (or a new version of an existing product): our teams organize individual interviews or focus groups with users to better understand their needs and find out what they think about our current solutions.
Co-creation workshops
Then, during the ideation stage, our teams hold co-creation workshops with users to design elements that are subsequently integrated into the product’s future interface: sketch of the home page, navigation menus, user scenarios, etc.
Presentation to our user clubs
Finally, before our solutions are rolled out more widely, they are tested by our user clubs, which share their feedback with us. We integrate this feedback in very short iteration cycles (two weeks on average), making our responsiveness a unique strength in this market.
User tests
Finally, we also carry out in-situ tests to make sure that our interfaces are easy to use. These tests may be performed using the “guerrilla testing” method in our clients’ workplace. For example, we go into stores to quickly test a retail solution with the sales staff.
« We are all free to voice an opinion; everyone is listened to attentively. No difference is made in relation to seniority – from the company’s director to the technician. There is a real group dynamic with a common goal: to make progress. And it works! We do not have the impression that we are Cegid clients, but partners. »
Denis Dubin |Enthusiastic President of MI Club Cegid.
All the wealth of your business in simple and accessible product interfaces
Our UI/UX teams have developed the “Cegid Design System”: a toolbox for our internal product designers and developers, and for all devices: desktop, tablet, mobile.
Inspired by Google’s Material Design, this Design System is constantly fed by ready-to-use graphical components and snippets of code. The components are made in light of your recurrent needs. Before the components are used in our solutions, they are systematically tested by users so that we can ensure that they are intuitive.
The Design System is constantly updated on the basis of your new uses: mobile app, chatbot, notification center, etc. Component updates are automatically rolled out on all of our Cloud solutions through a graphic mod.
We thereby provide a consistent and user-centric experience in all Cegid solutions and services.
And tomorrow? Free yourself from product interfaces
In the case of UX, looking towards the future means looking beyond the product interface.
For users, it is a chance to save time and take control of interface management: it is no longer your job to look for the right data in the interface; it is the data that will come to you in your favorite medium: web, mobile, connected watch, personal digital assistant (Siri, Alexa, etc.). Unwieldy databases are a thing of the past; the solution will be able to sort important information and bring to your attention what really matters to you. For example, if the solution detects a bank account that is almost empty, it will be able to create an alert on your smartphone and put forward specific actions: chase up accounts receivable, look for finance, etc.