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Cegid Digitalrecruiters

Recruitment software for agricultural organizations

Recruitment management

Seasonal workers, machine operators, agricultural technicians, livestock managers… Whether you’re looking to recruit on a seasonal or year-round basis, our ATS can help you find candidates to meet your needs.

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Promote and share your farming profession

Agriculture suffers from a lack of manpower. And yet it’s a fundamental sector for the economy and society. So make the most of your profession! With Cegid Digitalrecruiters, you can highlight the modernization of agriculture through the use of new technologies and the ecological transition. By making your profession more attractive to the younger generation, you’ll increase the number of applications for both permanent and seasonal positions.


Why choose Cegid Digitalrecruiters?

Seasonal at will for your harvests

Create attractive, contextualized job ads. Collect a maximum number of applications and recruit seasonal workers without limits.

Capture candidates in the field

Recruit from a mobile application, even in the field! How modern is agriculture?

Greater autonomy in recruitment

Stay in control of recruitment with tools designed for you. Spend less time on recruitment, and more on operations.

Your challenges, our solutions!

Contextualizing job ads

Plunge your candidates into the heart of the jobs you offer with contextualized ads

Because every job is unique, contextualize your ads with contextualized photos, videos or testimonials. You’ll make the difference with candidates

Mobile recruitment app

Recruit without mobility constraints, even at events and job fairs!

In just one click, launch a video interview, scan candidates’ CVs, process your applications, search your database or communicate with your candidates.

Career site editor

Enhance your employer brand with a 100% customizable career site in your own colors

Deploy 100% customizable career sites with complete autonomy. Stand out from the crowd and save on development costs.

Collaborative recruitment

Easily activate your talent pool using our talent Locator

Access the history of exchanges with each candidate, ask the people involved in recruitment, share your comments, interviews, etc.

Complete your Cegid Digitalrecruiters solution


ATS and CRM for managing your recruitment, advertising and developing your talent pool!

  • Customise recruitment processes without limit
  • Publish and distribute enhanced ads in just a few clicks!
  • Quickly sort your applications and communicate with just one click
  • Organise your interviews on "autopilot" mode

Career sites

Set up a careers site in your colours in just a few clicks!

  • Create a rich, high-impact careers site in just a few clicks
  • Looking for a job has never been easier or more visual
  • Put your candidates at the heart of the jobs you offer
  • Adapt the candidate path and its stages to suit each context

Our recommended solutions for your challenges

Cegid Digitalrecruiters is designed for all types of company, whatever their size or sector of activity.