Talent Management

What are the keys to successful onboarding?

5 November 2018

3 min

Anyone who has never been disappointed by the reception they received on the first day at a new job, raise your hand! Beyond pleasantries, a new recruit expects to be greeted and escorted to their new office where they will be welcomed by a hot cup of coffee, a brand-new PC, a state-of-the-art smartphone and, the icing on the cake, a working email account.

Sound too perfect? Well, you’re right; the reality is far from being that glorious…

Upon arrival, a new employee will probably be greeted by a confused receptionist who is completely unaware that they are new staff member, scrutinized by their new colleagues and, finally, discovers that their new supervisor is on vacation; without having ordered the new PC before leaving!

Sound familiar? The good news, however, is that successfully integrating a new employee is within reach of any organization.


Onboarding – it’s a real thing.

Onboarding is now a popular procedure for companies. In short, this technique is intended to improve and shorten the welcoming and integration phases of any new employee joining a company. It goes far beyond just familiarizing oneself with various digital tools, it aims to establish understanding a multitude of procedures including: conducting meetings, product training procedures, tutoring, “live my life,” breakfast with a member, etc.

The combination of mechanisms differs from one context to another; which is to say that onboarding must be thought of and adapted to your company culture. The resulting journey is spread out over three to six months of even a year. In doing so, the company is making the employee operational more quickly, reinforces their sense of belonging, and, decreases the overall turnover. Knowing that a failed recruitment costs a company a minimum of 65K , the necessity of properly onboarding is obvious.

Yet, almost two thirds of companies have an integration process that is limited to a traditional welcome booklet.

However, knowing that 8 out of 10 recruits make the decision to stay within the first 6 months, and, that 20% even consider leaving their new job on the first day, we think it’s time to do something to pamper our new recruits.

With the raging talent battle, more companies are taking action and working to offer their new recruits a great onboarding experience. Payroll and personnel administration are factors that shouldn’t be neglected.


Administrative management, leveraging the employee experience

If there is a focal point of tension at the time of hiring it is indeed the administrative management. New employees are all too often obligated to show their credentials (I.D, Social Security Number, Criminal Background check etc) and sign (with the help of a pen, we can only hope) multiple forms consisting of mutual agreements, transport reimbursement, etc.

Even though all this is boring, it is essential for both the new employee and HR. These steps consist of sharing valuable and mandatory information. When integrated into the onboarding process, these compensation and administration facets represent real time issues; even more so when they are digitized. They allow:

  • Optimization of costs and time related to administrative tasks: HR teams will be able to focus on tasks with higher added value. Note for this reason the importance of shifting away from hard copies of administrative documents. The information collected will now feed directly into the system.
  • Reducing the risk of errors by reducing multiple entries of the same information.
  • Accelerating and securing the logistical aspects of hiring through their full or partial automation and suitability for job profiles (IT access, access to buildings, equipment allocation, benefits, etc.)
  • Modernization of the corporate image
  • And finally, to enrich the experience of the new hire and reduce the risk of their departure!

The quality of these smart processes depends a great deal on HR activity, and Talent Management Performance.

Find out more about how to better manage your workforce from hire to retire, with a modern Talent Management Suite designed to fit your industry best practices.

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