Talent Management

The top 4 most important Canadian HR Technology Conferences to attend in 2020

25 February 2020

3 min
Are Trade Show Conferences still a thing? According to a recent article by Forbes : “ If someone tells you trade shows are yesterday’s news, they are making a gross miscalculation.” While we thrive in the digital arena, face to face interactions are still predominant in our business decision making process. Having a good balance between digital and human interactions is a good strategy specially if you are looking to be educated on a subject. Whether you are planning to upgrade, renew or acquire a new HR solution for your organization this year, here are the Top 4 places to be in 2020 in Canada.

First things first, what is HR Technology and why is it important to your business?

HR Technology improves all aspects of employment within a business. It helps organizations manage and understand their workforce, from recruitment and onboarding, to learning, performance reviews, compensation, career planning and more. With better technology, businesses can streamline HR processes, stay ahead of the organization’s need for new skills and performance, mitigate risks and ensure compliance, while spending less time on administration. Yet HR Technology is NOT just for HR Folks. New HR software makes everyone’s life easier at work, across departments, functions and roles. An example of this can be Cegid’s ATS Applicant Tracking System fostering collaboration across employees, recruiters, managers and external candidates. The benefits are for all.

As Steve Boese HRE’s Inside HR Tech columnist and chair of HRE’s HR Technology Conference quotes in his recent article , the future of HR is here, and “while you may be late to the HR-technology-transformation party, be assured said party is still ongoing”. And here is where it will happen in 2020:

  1. HR Conference & Expo Vancouver April 28-29

The 58th annual HR Conference & Expo is Western Canada’s largest anglophone human resources focused event. This is the place to learn about technology that supports your company’s biggest asset: your people. Meet top industry keynote speakers, visit the top vendors in HR Technologies, learn from other HR peers’ experiences and learn how to apply your new findings in the workplace. This show even provides you with a letter template that will help you get the “buy in” from your employer.

  1. HR Tech Montreal May 26-27

A one-of-a-kind event in Montreal! Just like Montreal is known for its great restaurants, it is also known for its networking environment. Here is your chance to 2 days to discover and explore leading technologies in great depth. Meet key industry players in HR Technology and leverage of this years’ key takeaway: SUPER DEMO Exhibitions that will set this event apart from anything you’ve ever experienced before. What’s in these SUPER DEMOS? 45 minutes of real case scenarios using HR Technology focused in your industry applied to real personas needs; witness demonstration workshops, best practices conferences and meet la crème de la crème in Quebec’s HR Community.

  1. HR Tech Summit Toronto  June 2-3

Designed for recruitment professionals and talent leaders, this is the place to be if you want to receive real-world education and actionable strategies to implement in your organization while partnering with great leaders. This year, HRD will cover mainstream topics such as workplace wellness through technology, people performance management, HRD data conversions, employee engagement, recruitment and artificial intelligence, multigeneration workforce, and candidate centric processes. They too offer you a free letter of justification template to attend ? If you want to read a story of success from a proud Canadian organization that attended this event last year , read Niagara Parks story of success here.

  1. Congres RH Montreal November 3-4

Organized by the CRHA , this event is so much more than just a trade show. Today, the Order brings together a strong community of over 10 000 HR professionals by designation with a strong recognize expertise and presence in the Quebec business community. Last year it was a total success! This year it promises to be even richer in matters of thought leadership (with a special appearance from Amy Edmondson-Professor at Harvard Business School) , best practices, labour market partners, pay equity, the ultimate technology providers in the province and great networking opportunities.

If you make it to any of these great events, make sure to pay a visit to Cegid’s booth. We are here to put the best technology at work to achieve your goals!

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