Talent Management

The Art of Recruiting From a Distance; Without Mistakes!

2 November 2020

2 min
The practice of remote interviewing via videoconferencing is new for many recruiters and has become essential. It has its advantages and disadvantages and the use of adapted software tools makes a difference. Our advice is to make the right choices and avoid casting errors.

Do you sometimes recruit remotely? The confinement period has normalized this practice considerably. Knowing how to assess a person without having them in front of you becomes an essential skill for HR specialists, especially since telecommuting widens a company’s recruitment pool geographically. There is nothing natural about it either: “instincts” and “gut feelings”, already trick you during a classic exchange around a table. With a screen in between, it is even less a question of relying solely on one’s feelings. These few tips will prevent you from making several mistakes.

Of course, you can’t do without videoconferencing. Candidates like to see the recruiter and it is important that, on both sides, you can ask all the questions that come to mind. The tool of choice is less important than the quality of the connection. However, be considerate and realistic: no one is used to experiencing this exercise from a distance and the unexpected (echo, pixelation, visible children…) is bound to happen more frequently.

Establish pre-qualification questionnaires beforehand.

Before that, it is valuable to test the applicant on a specific case. You can ask questions about their knowledge of the company, how they would carry out such a project, analyze their reasoning and how they manage priorities. Cegid Talent’s Recruitment solution makes your job easier. Its candidate management system helps to set up pre-qualification questionnaires. Its relationship tracking functions help you build a talent pool and organize interviews smoothly; in time slots you determine. This way, you know who you’re dealing with when the exchange begins.

A personality test is also recommended beforehand. It aims to determine whether the person has the fundamental characteristics for the position in an objective manner. The answers to the test will then guide your questions. This is the time to examine any inadequacies or irregularities in the profile together.

Boosting your employer brand by giving feedback

Remote interviewing has other advantages that more traditional formulas do not. In particular, the ability to exchange information via chat, such as links to the company’s values, products and internal procedures, use interactivity to compensate for the relative coldness of the exercise.

Then involve your teams. It is fundamental to obtain several opinions on the candidate to ensure that he or she integrates well and adapts quickly to the culture. A second or even a third virtual meeting should therefore be scheduled. Don’t forget to give feedback at the end of these exchanges: the time and attention devoted to the applicant will strengthen your employer brand because they will have the impression that they’re actually being listened to.

Finally, plan a physical meeting for the signing of the employment contract. Discovering their future surroundings and colleagues – masked or not – will definitely help fuel their desire to work with you.

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