Talent Management

The managers’ toolbox: creating an inspiring workplace

8 June 2023

The managers' toolbox: creating an inspiring workplace
5 min
According to a DDI study¹, 57% of employees have left a job because of their manager. However, many companies fail to acknowledge this fact. And bad management can prove costly to the company². Managers direct and coordinate employee actions, and as such remain responsible for ensuring the company achieves its objectives. Sometimes management techniques fail to meet employees' expectations, resulting in a wave of departures. So how can you be seen as a caring manager, in tune with the working methods of the new generation, in order to increase employee engagement? Find out more in this article.


  1. Adopting a new management style
  2. How can the HR department support its managers?
  3. What exactly is a more inspiring workplace?



1. Adopting a new management style

Adopting a new management style can help your company and your teams in ways you may not have considered! To do so, however, you need an understanding of the challenges involved in good management and the keys to implementing a lasting and effective change.


Challenges in good management

Being a good manager doesn’t just increase employee engagement, it also leads to a much happier workplace. A caring and organized management generates a “snowball” effect, reducing turnover among your teams and increasing productivity. All the more reason, then, why management techniques may be of interest to you.


So what exactly makes a good manager?

Although there are many different management models, and the perfect management style doesn’t exist, employees expect and value certain qualities in their day-to-day interactions with their managers. Generally speaking, these include:

  • Stress management: a stressed manager unable to control their emotions may pass this on to the rest of the team, resulting in an unpleasant atmosphere
  • Availability: employees need to know that they can count on their manager for any problems or questions they may have. It’s important, however, for managers to maintain a good work-life balance… and to encourage their employees to do the same!
  • Resolution of conflicts: although unpleasant, conflicts are inevitable within the company. It’s better to take the bull by the horns and learn how to resolve them. A good leader knows how to listen to and empathize with their team.
  • Provide support and assistance: managers should do more than just give orders and ensure that their objectives are met. A good manager also gives their team the resources they need to work effectively, even if that means helping an employee who asks for help to finish a project on time, or to practice a presentation.
  • Team motivation: even in negative and difficult situations, a manager must keep a cool head and motivate their team. Training, pay rises, encouragement, feedback… there are many ways to ensure the team feels valued.

To improve their management skills and adopt a more agreeable style, managers must themselves receive management training. Management is a skill that can be learned, not something automatically found in any employee promoted to a management position. In order to fully understand their new role and step up successfully, managers need support from the company management and the Human Resources department.

2. How can the HR department support its managers?

In the HR department you can of course support your managers in this change, guiding them towards a management style more in tune with the needs of the team.


Helping managers to save time

Managers often spend a considerable amount of time on tasks which could easily be automated³. This excessive workload and lack of structure prevents them from focusing on more important matters.

Of course, this has a negative impact on their ability to manage their team. Managers therefore need to be given the tools to automate these tasks, allowing them to focus once more on their role as leader. This also results in better organization and communication with employees.


Encouraging training in soft skills

As we mentioned earlier, some managers may require Human Resources or management training in order to develop their skills. They should be encouraged to acquire behavioral skills, also known as soft skills, to help with their professional development. These skills include:

  • Relational intelligence;
  • The ability to communicate;
  • Personality and interpersonal skills.

According to the Future of Work report by the World Economic Forum, the top skills that companies look for are critical thinking and problem-solving. These skills will grow in prominence over the next five years. Self-management skills such as active learning, resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility are also beginning to emerge.

Managers are a link between employees and the HR department of a company, and need every possible resource to allow them to work as efficiently as possible:

  • Guide your managers’ actions, their daily routines and the way they manage a team, establishing healthy and natural work relationships;
  • Place them in situations where they can congratulate and motivate their employees, encouraging employee loyalty, using the Talentsoft Continuous Conversation module.


3. What exactly is a more inspiring workplace?

A more inspiring workplace is an environment taking into account the needs and the well-being of employees. To achieve this goal, companies should focus on their day-to-day actions and promote a company culture conducive to employee well-being, integrated at all levels of the organization.

A more inspiring workplace, offering employees an enjoyable environment in which they feel part of the company culture, is invaluable. And a good manager is a key part of this. Using Cegid tools to compile feedback and adapt actions accordingly, your managers are sure to become more efficient.

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