Retail & Distribution

Cegid Retail named “Best fit for international fashion, luxury, and beauty retailers” in the Forrester Wave™ Point Of Service, Q3 2018

9 November 2018

2 min

Forrester Research, the leading advisory firm, has published the Forrester Wave™ Point Of Service, Q3 2018, a new comparative analysis identifying the top POS application providers today and assessing their current offering, corporate strategy, and market presence.

The Forrester Wave™ is a must-read for digital leaders at midsize, large, and international retail businesses because it provides a detailed evaluation of POS solutions and how each vendor measures up.

In the report, Forrester analysts identify the key challenges facing retailers today and share strategic insights on the factors they must consider to make an informed decision in choosing a POS partner that drives differentiation and growth. For instance, they highlight the need for “the convergence of commerce, POS, and order management” to deliver a “compelling customer experience through the path to purchase, return and repeat purchase.”

For Forrester, the best POS applications must achieve several goals: “drive online sales, deliver brand consistency, increase customer loyalty, and boost associate productivity,” to provide a great store experience and empower customers on the path to purchase.

Cegid Retail appears in the Forrester Wave™ as one of the top POS vendors on the market today, and our unified commerce & POS platform distinguishes itself across a variety of criteria.

Key takeaways from the report include:

  • Being recognized as a “cloud mobile solution” that has the ability to help retailers unify “channels and touchpoints and delivering a personalized experience.”
  • Our “demonstrated strength in receipt customization, commission calculation, security, and mobility” being acknowledged.
  • Our international client base being highlighted and our solution’s suitability for “large retailers seeking a single global solution” being confirmed.
  • Cegid clients interviewed by Forrester praising “the number of localizations or country packages out of the box,” and “customization without coding.”
  • Forrester recommending Cegid Retail as “the best fit for international fashion, luxury, and beauty retailers.”

Are you looking for a digital POS solution to deliver outstanding customer experience, associate empowerment, and performance across all channels? Access your complimentary copy of the Forrester Wave™ now for full market findings and a detailed evaluation of the top POS vendors today.

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