Talent Management

Are You Leveraging Your In-House Talent?

21 February 2019

1 min
Reducing your turnover rate is possible! Discover keys to internal talent management to address it! Have you ever considered the fact that you may be looking for something you`ve already found? Why look outside of your business when you already have plenty of talent internally?


Recruiting: how about leveraging your in-house talent?

Your employees are your main asset.
The happier they are, the more motivated, loyal, and productive they’ll become.

Even though 75% of organizations claim to offer evolution opportunities to their employees, 50% of workers don’t think they have any.

Understanding candidates` job search process is essential to optimizing the retention of internal talent.

Optimizing your retention policy and minimizing your turnover rate requires a true Management of Internal Talent. It also involves creating work conditions that meet your employees’ expectations.

Talent who feel underappreciated look for opportunities elsewhere and spend on average 10.7 hours per week searching for employment opportunities.

So much time that could`ve been dedicated to your company!

What are candidates looking for in a company?

8.4/10 Employer’s reputation
7.8/10 Company’s mission and core values.
7.4/10 CSR commitments.

Make your in-house talent want to stay with these 4 key elements:

83% Work life balance.
82% Salaries
83% Team spirit
76% Work atmosphere

Internal recruitment: highlight criteria that matters:

45% salary/compensation description.
37% Benefit details
34% Preferred profile for the position.

Find out more about how to better manage your workforce from hire to retire, with a modern Talent Management Suite designed to fit your industry best practices.

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